Bought this via an auction According to the seller it was build in 1961 and got a complete overhaul. Because I trusted the site Catawiki which stated several times it was a 1961 1960's strat copy I ended up buying it.
However someone pointed out after I was waiting for delivery that this was not a 1961 (I should have done my home work I guess) but an 85/86 however it started to get funny when he asked for the serial.
The only thing I can find is a name on the neckplate which I can't make out and he was totally surprised that there was no Tremelo but s hardtail top that was there from the start probably. Unless the guitar of course had a complete refinish job and the tremelo was removed and filled up professionally which I think is out of question with a guitar like this. Also because the bridge seems to not be a tremelo bridge but an original hardtail
He told me put it on here for you guys to judge Do we have something special here ? It does sound and plays amazing.
ID пользователя #10143 Зарегистрирован: 28.05.2019, 15:11 Местонахождение: Санкт-Петербург Сообщений: 4876
Gess Цитата ...
на йолану страт гриф лидстара приколхозили чтоль? 1961 год насмешил
Our colleaque has indicated his doubts about 1961 year and suggested it could be a combination of Jolana Strat's body and Musima Leadstar's neck Мы порой, с волками споря, Воем в си-бемоль-миноре...
Didn't the jolana strats had different mounts on the back for the through body strings. Plus I thought they were delivered with two humbuckers and a straight in jack instead of three singles and an angled input ?
I found some info in English also. But none are talking about a fixed bridge indeed. Feel like I'm on a quest to find out what this thing is.
The auction site is also working on my complaint but I don't really feel like sending it back of they say I can. Although I probably paid too much for the state it's in it's a very interesting guitar and sounds very good. Plus it's much more playable that the cheap squiers to be honest.
ID пользователя #10143 Зарегистрирован: 28.05.2019, 15:11 Местонахождение: Санкт-Петербург Сообщений: 4876
You're right that Musima is expected to be mire interesting than Squier, especially taking into consideration the remark made in the 1st article mentioned above, that there is so big number of modifications of the LeadStars that there is no option to install a kind of "how it should be" masterpiece... Мы порой, с волками споря, Воем в си-бемоль-миноре...
It does feel very good and strat like. I have a 96 sonic blue USA malmsteen strat and it feels in that category where a squier just feels cheap. So I'm pleasantly surprised. Also with the sounds.
ID пользователя #85 Зарегистрирован: 24.03.2007, 20:34 Местонахождение: Boston, USA Сообщений: 3088
Frank, your guitar is definitely not 1961, because Musima only built Strat copies in the 1980s. It has also definitely been modified, or possibly put together from parts of different instruments. But to tell exactly how it has been altered, we need to see detailed pics of it disassembled.
If it plays well as is, just enjoy it for what it is. But I don't think it's anything rare or special, just a nice Strat copy with Musima parts, or a modified Musima.
ID пользователя #10143 Зарегистрирован: 28.05.2019, 15:11 Местонахождение: Санкт-Петербург Сообщений: 4876
Translation into English:
"Details inside are original ones for 146% The body looks to be original either. It would be interesting to watch under the tremolo machine, - but it could be indeed that the manufacturing plant played some funny things.
By the way, the author is a cool photographer, it was my pleasure to watch his photos!"
Мы порой, с волками споря, Воем в си-бемоль-миноре...
Some people claimed it would be a Hondo build guitar but I don't believe that seeing at that time we still had the wall up. Also why would a factory that build themselves buy from Japan or Korea .
Mystery stays the name on the plate Why no serial numbers, this would mean the very first batch (right?) And the fixed bridge which according to someone never was made.
Anyway I don't think I overpayed with 113.00 right? (Eventually the seller refunded me 100.00 because the description was not right and the promised overhaul was not done.
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снова немного нетематическое, но про историю. вторая часть видео про историю отдельных малоизвестных мест России (первое публиковал на прошлой неделе).
Может интересно будет. Буду признателен за просмотр, лайк и т.д. [link] Осталась ещё одна часть и я снова вернусь к видео про тематические гитары :)
Признаю, увлёкся сугубо в личных блогерских интересах изучить, опробовать и рассказать с юморком ;) (хотя с последним есть псих. проблемы). Что как оно выйдет, покажет время. Никого обижать не намерен, по натуре я чудик ;P хых
Увлёкся коллекционированием Советских гитар и не только из-за (если без мата) удивления от того факта что в СССР производился такой богатый ассортимент электромузыкальных инструментов, каждый из которых по своему уникален, но о которых мало кто знает
Чтож, вот и дошли руки до регистрации на сайте. Решил поздороваться. Приветствую товарищи. Зовусь я Адам Смиттич (не люблю светиться из-за негативной стороны популярности в виде преследования фанатами)
Посмотрел первую часть. Мне понравилось. Люблю исторический контент. Но Вам стоит поработать над произношением, и над балансом зк: женский голос звучит громче мужского. Жду следующие части)
прочитал в музеуме интересное высказывание, на страничке орфеус рекорда -
" инструмент эксплуатировался только с кондовыми отечественными плосконавитыми струнами, которые, согласно широко распространённому дебильному суеверию, якобы "имеют большее натяжение, нежели обычные"
Lyapa, смотря какие пластинки. Если, например, какой-нибудь Игорь Тальков, то она действительно ничего не стоит... А так можете в какой нибудь магазин винила продать или на мешке поставьте, если вам авито не нравится...