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My Спектр-3/SPEKTR-3 needs a little care and help...

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15.02.2021, 15:53 Просмотр для печати
ID пользователя #12431
Зарегистрирован: 15.02.2021, 13:26
Местонахождение: Munich
Сообщений: 3
Hello folks!

I have a Спектр-3/SPEKTR-3 here and some questions to ask:

a.) The Vol/Expression pedal pot is falling apart. According to the BOM it should be the following 330K potentiometer:

While I am at it, the wah pedal pot may be worn out, too. So I want to replace it as well. According to the BOM it should be this 4,7K type:

Please, I need Your help. I am not from Russia and do not know Russian unfortunately. I could not find any info about them via google.

1. What kind of pots are they (log, antilog, linear)? They seem to be big, so I guess the are higher power-rated – 2W maybe?

2. Are there datasheets of these pots available?

3. Which pots would You recommend as replacements? What would You use? If they are linear, maybe WTH118-1A 2W are an option - these are widely available and have same shaft diameter?

4. Any hint, where can I buy these pots or their substitutes?

b.) The pre-owner added a power switch for both batteries and a LED with one lug wired via trimpot to the cathode of the VD2 diode in the autowah section. The other wire came off the board. I guess the LED is to be light when the device is powered on and thus the other lug/wire is intended to go to ground? Am I guessing right?

c.) I plan to solder myself a little adapter box for DIN5 to stereo jacks featuring a connection to an external power supply, so I can skip both 9V batteries. According to the schematic the DIN5 connector on the input site has the following pins: pin 1&3 Signal, pin 2 Ground, pin 4&5 n.c. I plan to use pin 4&5 for +V.

As I don't have much experience with these DIN5 wiring in effects from soviet era; would this be a wise or stupid idea? I mean, in case somebody else connects his guitar to the input by Din5 without my adapter box nor power supply, would he shorten pins 2,4 and 5 and so both batteries?

d.) As most of these effects from the soviet era it runs on 9 volts and there are some capacitors rated 10 volts only. As some electrolytic capacitors might have dried-out I may have to change them anyway. So if I may change these to higher power rated ones, I might be able to run these on higher voltages (p.e. 12 or even 15 volts) and get a little more headroom out of it. Did somebody among You the same? Is this worth to be done?

e.) The added power-switch will be of no use to me then. Removed it will leave a ugly hole in the enclosure. So I think about using this DPDT type switch for a little modding instead. Did somebody of You any other mods to improve the Спектр-3? Maybe some germanium clipping diodes, transistor switches or a capacitor-switch? Any proposals?

Sorry, I don't speak Russian unfortunately (I am from Germany) but I can read Russian via Google translate. So answers in Russian are appreciated, too!

15.02.2021, 17:12

ID пользователя #8082
Зарегистрирован: 12.03.2017, 07:27
Местонахождение: Петропавловск, Казахстан
Сообщений: 877
На этом форуме категорически не приветствуются изменения, улучшения, модификации и прочая подобная хрень! Задача форума дать новую жизнь, старым устройствам, оставляя их в полном соответствии с прототипом.

a) Оба потенциометра имеют антилогарифмическую зависимость. По Российским стандартам обозначается буквой В (русская, кириллица) По вашему – А.
Мощность 0,25 Вт!
Попробуйте поискать в Российских магазинах радиодеталей. Но ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО, набирайте тип потенциометра (переменный резистор) кириллическими буквами!

b) Да, мыслите правильно, но не верно , поскольку и светодиод и выключатель отсутствуют в оригинале.

c) Смотрите красный текст.

d) Ёмкость и рабочее напряжение электролитических конденсаторов можно заменять на большие, без ущерба работе схемы.

e) Смотрите красный текст.

[ Редактирование 16.02.2021, 07:32 ]
16.02.2021, 19:16
ID пользователя #12431
Зарегистрирован: 15.02.2021, 13:26
Местонахождение: Munich
Сообщений: 3
Hello Kaldos,

thanks for Your reply! Your answers and hints are welcomed!

I see Your point - I do not like modded original devices neither. That is one of these points, why I have built more than 90 percent of all my effects from scratch myself - so I can mod and cook them my way.

But with this SPEKTR-3 the situation is not that simple unfortunately: as I wrote before, the unit was already modified when I bought it in a pawnshop. The pre-owner removed the name plate (it is missing), drilled two holes into the enclosure and added the LED and switch to the unit. I had to buy it as untested and wasn't able to open it. I did not intend to change it myself, but it was already in modded state. So it is a little too late for restoring to original condition. So no offence against the philosophy in red, but all I can do now, is to try to make the best out of the situation.

Now the possible options that remain are:

1st. option: I may remove LED and the ugly switch, but that leaves ugly, open holes visible, that are not deburred. The name plate remains missing in any case though. Painting scratches and traces on a coated surface won't make it better...

2nd. option: I may solder the LED and switch as the pre-owner intended to, but still that leaves the unit altered in a way, I do not second.

3rd. option: I may leave LED and switch where they are, but unconnected - which is the most pointless option of all. I do not like dead switches and LEDs on devices.

4th. option I may use LED and switch for another purpose, which is worth to be done and can be undone later. To my eyes the most comprehensive option in this situation...

What if someone else would have bought this pedal? Most likely he would have ripped out the DIN 5 jacks, drilled holes and mounted 1/4" mono jacks and something like a DC022 power jack or similar, as otherwise he wouldn't be able to use it on his modern pedal-board. And if he cannot read Russian, he may have mounted/written his own labels on the enclosure, too.

Well, my intentions are little more subtly: I plan to make an external box as adapter, so the DIN5 jacks can remain where they are. But I do not like 9V batteries. They made sense a long time ago, when positive and negative grounds were widely used and good power supplies too expensive. But times have changed since then and nowadays the pros are clearly out-ruled by the cons...

At first I thought about an adapter made from a power jack and a 9V battery clip, wired through the hole made by the manufacturer in the bottom plate and then clipped to one of the two battery clips inside. Well, that is not an elegant solution in my point of view.

But if I could use the unused pins on the input jack for +V instead, then the unit can be powered from an external power supply via my adapter box with switch, power-LED, blend pot, wah-buffer and god knows what...
...AND still be used in the old style with DIN5 signal chains and batteries at the same.
BUT ONLY IF - and that is the point I was questioning - if the unused pins in the jack may not go through the cable somewhere else on the input side in no circumstance. So if these lugs are commonly dead ends, this would be an very elegant solution to the problem.

I wonder why You opposed to this solution, but not to my thought about changing capacitors for more headroom? From all my questions, this may have the biggest impact on the pedal due to change in sound -especially of the fuzz- and thus theoretically breaking the philosophy in red even more...

These old DIN 5 wirings still leave me puzzled: same signals are often in two lugs at the same. I do not understand, what's the point in this? The only cause I can think of is to have still signal in case a cable or jack is damaged... But instead a lot of posibilites for manufacturers is left unlashed (a real bonanza here, imagine optional external power, remote/CV, gate, blend, feedback signals all in the signal line). Really, there would have been a lot of potential for the manufacturers to realise as well.
17.02.2021, 03:59

ID пользователя #8082
Зарегистрирован: 12.03.2017, 07:27
Местонахождение: Петропавловск, Казахстан
Сообщений: 877
Маленький солдат, укажите пожалуйста, в анкете своё настоящее имя и возраст.
17.02.2021, 05:23

ID пользователя #8082
Зарегистрирован: 12.03.2017, 07:27
Местонахождение: Петропавловск, Казахстан
Сообщений: 877
Ограничения и требования, действующие на форуме, не являются обязательными к исполнению во всём мире. Вы можете принять любое, приемлемое для вас решение, но не выносите его на обсуждение сюда.
Говоря об электролитических конденсаторах, (о напряжениях 9 и 10 вольт), я имел ввиду те конденсаторы, которые стоят в цепях питания и где к ним фактически приложены такие величины напряжений. В данном случае увеличение параметров только увеличит надёжность работы устройства. Что касается переходных (межкаскадных), в цепях обратной связи и времязадающих электролитических конденсаторов, то здесь надо смотреть по ситуации, но увеличение рабочего напряжения, также не возбраняется.
Соединение разных контактов к одной сигнальной цепи, в частности 1 и 3 в DIN5, делается для унификации разных соединительных кабелей. Не более того.
Контакты 4 и 5 в выходном гнезде (разъёме/соединителе) – служат выключателем питания устройства при наличии перемычки (соединения) между 4 и 5 штырьками в штекере DIN5.
Как вам реализовать подключение внешнего источника питания – это решать вам!
17.02.2021, 06:21

Зарегистрирован: 20.10.2007, 20:17
Местонахождение: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 7240
kaldos Цитата ...

Маленький солдат, укажите пожалуйста, в анкете своё настоящее имя и возраст.

Правила этого не требуют

меньше гадов-больше счастья.
обменник - [link]
мои гитарки на ютубе - [link]
Сайт PM
17.02.2021, 07:12

ID пользователя #8082
Зарегистрирован: 12.03.2017, 07:27
Местонахождение: Петропавловск, Казахстан
Сообщений: 877
И это очень плохо. Предлагаю эти пункты сделать обязательными.
17.02.2021, 07:36

Зарегистрирован: 20.10.2007, 20:17
Местонахождение: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 7240

меньше гадов-больше счастья.
обменник - [link]
мои гитарки на ютубе - [link]
Сайт PM
17.02.2021, 17:45
ID пользователя #12431
Зарегистрирован: 15.02.2021, 13:26
Местонахождение: Munich
Сообщений: 3
Kaldos and all You other members of this forum,

I am sorry that I have asked these questions! I did not want to offend nobody nor to break forum rules.

@ SPA:

Can You close this thread, please? Thank You!

Модераторы: violet, EjiK, Басист Кайф, Я-Ха, Izol, SPA, shlepakoff, byte_crow

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23.01. : 23:51
Подписная Niclas Engelin 1800$ на сайте. На ревербе есть б/у диаманты-2 от 1000$

23.01. : 08:02
Спасибо, SPA!

23.01. : 07:42
Красивых моделей наделали, судя по инстаграму

23.01. : 07:42
Всем привет.
Кто нибудь пробивал почем стоят новые Йоланы? На ревербе их нет, на ибее тоже)

23.01. : 06:36
черный и оттенки красного

23.01. : 05:17
STAR V. Вопрос по цвету? Знаю чёрный, вишня, красный, какие ещё? Оранжевый был?

19.01. : 20:48
Владислав, с днём варенья! Будь здоров и счастлив! Всего тебе самого совгитарного!

19.01. : 20:47
Всех верующих - с Крещением Господним!

19.01. : 19:34
Владислав, с днём рождения! Будь здоров!

19.01. : 18:52
Ребята, спасибо большое. Извините, со временем свободным совсем плохо, появляюсь на сайте крайне редко. Но делу нашему верен и - Служу Советским Гитарам!

19.01. : 18:27
Владу здоровья и удачи!!!

19.01. : 18:24
С Днём рождения, Владислав!

От души желаю здоровья, долгих лет счастливой жизни, успехов в делах, благополучия - Вам, Вашим родным и близким!

19.01. : 16:32
Izol, всего наилучшего!

19.01. : 16:16
Нашему Великому кормчему - с Днём рождения! Здоровья и бодрости духа! Мира и добра!

19.01. : 13:25
Влад, с Днем рождения!Здоровья и удачи!

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